Woman Turns Boeing Plane Into Fully Functional Home
The Unconventional Lifestyle Advice of Jo Ann Ussery After the 1993 tornado that leveled her Mississippi home, Jo Ann Ussery had to relocate her family.
Mississippi home, Jo Ann Ussery had to relocate her family.
Mississippi home, Jo Ann Ussery had to relocate her family.
For only £1,500, she acquired the Boeing 727.
She couldn’t afford a decent trailer, but her brother-in-law had an interesting suggestion: she could live in a retired Boeing 727
Ussery spent roughly $30,000 transforming the Boeing 727 into her ideal house after purchasing the plane for a total of $2,000 (including transportation fees).
Jo Ann Ussery takes a break from flying to soak in a hot tub in the plane’s cockpit.
She transformed the 138-foot-long plane into a home with three bedrooms, a living room, kitchen, laundry room, and a luxury master shower in the cockpit via ingenuity and hard work.
The plane now serves as Jo Ann Ussery’s ideal house.
An Enduring Memorial Ussery lived in her one-of-a-kind home for a while before deciding to open it to the public as a museum so that others could experience its beauty as well.
The cockpit now includes a bathtub, courtesy of the ship’s beautician.
The plane was seriously damaged during shipping, but her amazing makeover is proof that imagination and perseverance can overcome adversity.